Wealth to Me: Helping Feed Strangers I May Never Meet

Wealth to me is knowing due to my actions a stranger’s family is fed. – Marion Bekoe
My mother stands as a beacon of compassion and kindness—a living testament to the power of selflessness. Her unwavering generosity has shaped my worldview, instilling in me a deep-seated belief in the inherent worth of every human being.
My mother’s kindness knows no bounds. She possesses a rare ability to give without expecting anything in return, to light up the lives of strangers with a simple act of kindness. Her example has taught me that true wealth lies not in the accumulation of possessions, but in the ability to nourish the hearts and souls of those around us, not by the size of one’s bank account, but by the depth of one’s compassion and generosity.
As I journey through life, I strive to embody these principles in everything I do. Whether it’s lending a helping hand to a stranger on the street or offering support to a friend in need, I find fulfillment in the act of giving back to others. And while the recipients of my kindness may be strangers to me, I am bound to them by the simple thread of our shared humanity.
When God blesses me with the opportunity to help someone start a business, I consider it a sacred duty. Each endeavor embarked upon is not just a step towards financial independence, but a testament to the enduring power of empathy and generosity. In nourishing the dreams of others, I find fulfillment and purpose, knowing that every life touched is a victory in the eyes of the divine.
I refuse to be defined by societal norms or the judgments of others. Regardless of the challenges I may face or the discrimination I encounter, I remain steadfast in my belief that love and compassion are the greatest currencies of all. By embracing diversity and standing up for what’s right, I strive to create a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
My commitment to helping others knows no bounds. I do not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, or socioeconomic status. For me, compassion knows no boundaries—it is a universal language that transcends all differences. As long as I have the means to make a positive impact, I will continue to do so with an open heart and a willing spirit.
For me, true wealth is not found in the accumulation of material possessions, but in the knowledge that I have made a difference in the lives of others. It is the joy that comes from knowing that I have helped to feed a hungry family, provided shelter to the homeless, or offered hope to the downtrodden. In these moments of giving, I find my greatest fulfillment and purpose.
At Cosgn, we share this vision of wealth—one that transcends monetary value and embraces the richness of human connection. We are committed to supporting startups and entrepreneurs from all walks of life, recognizing that the blood that runs through their veins is the same that runs through ours. Together, let us nourish hearts, uplift spirits, and redefine the meaning of true wealth in our world.